Many internet services and applications use designated. Enable tunnel auto switch when used with multiple Internet link deployments. Since the settings on firewall devices of different venders vary, we are not to provide the screenshots here. The embedded acceleration technologies are differentiating Sangfor SSL VPN from other competing products in market, achieving times faster connection in comparison. Supports robust clustering of different hardware models with the capability of up to 20 nodes. A Copyright Allied Telesis, Inc. sangfor ssl vpn client

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Permit external datacenter setups and sharing of SSL VPN logs, monitoring of administrator and user information and activities, resource activities, network and data vn trends, network access trends, etc. Please read the followings carefully when you come across any problem on handling the device, and take any of the measures below: It employs multiple technologies, such as detailed permission classification, various authentication and security mechanisms, and client security inspection.

Web-based access without pre-installed desktop software facilitates customized remote access. Smart use of public accounts to allow multiple user logins.

sangfor ssl vpn client

After proper hardware installation, you can configure and debug the system. November 18, http: Under copyright law, this manual may not be copied.

Plug the power cable sagfor the power interface on the rear panel of the device and switch on the power supply. Flexible hierarchical user organization and management up to 16 levels.

Enterprise SSL VPN Solutions | Sangfor

Swngfor poor connection environments such as cross-border, cross-ISP connection, Wifi and 3G networks with packet loss or high latency, the access speed can be significantly lower than one would expect. Log in using the default administrator credentials.

Secure Access Platform for a Unified Business Solution A set of platforms manages identity authentication and access permissions of mobile users and provides intelligent operating experience to achieve secure and fast access to business systems for all users, anytime and to any clients.

Registration Forgot your password? RASPro is a secure high performance remote application delivery platform through a perfect combination of application hosting and application streaming.

Enables up to eight types of authentication methods: Till then, Gateway mode deployment is completed. Quick Installation Guide V2. Published by Mia Love Modified over 4 years ago. For more information about our Sangfor EasyConnect solution, contact our friendly customer service team today.

Supports robust sangfoor of different hardware models with the capability of up to 20 nodes. Feedback Privacy Policy Feedback. The default Admin account super administrator is as seen in the figure below: Account security enhancement policies: Internal mobile user, partner, customer; these three kinds of vnp group have different security requirement levels and access needs.

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Building Networks For People. About This User s Guide This site uses cookies to enhance your experience.

Sangfor SSL VPN Presentation

Contents This document includes the following More information. This product can be set up using any current web browser, i. If you wish to download it, please recommend it to your friends in any social system. Delivers reliable access and performance through intelligent balancing of computing resources for user needs.

Many internet services and applications use designated.

When the above configuration is completed, connect the LAN interface ETH0 of this VPN device to the switch for internal network and check whether you can log in to the administrator Web console. The virtualization technologies streamline enterprise application availability in every ways including the application and endpoint compatibility, efficiency, manageability and security. Associates user identities with resources and directly controls user access authorization.

sangfor ssl vpn client


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