If you're a fan of the band, absolutely get it, and if you're like me and never thought this band was worth much, still give it a try, because they've ascended the proverbial pyramid. It's like they took a step back and really took a second look at their song writing. Dallas and Karl create mesmerizing riffs. It's all great, but it just doesn't stand out like it should which leaves the album a bit bland. Some slower paced beats here and there would have given the songs the crushing brutality that Nile are famous for. Clocking in at 8: Part of Nile's brilliance is the fact that mainman Karl Sanders doesn't just infuse his adopted homeland of Egypt into his lyrics, but into the modes and scales he chooses to write the guitar parts for the songs in. nile ithyphallic album

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The songs are about either Egypt or Lovecraft; some are slow and heavy, some are fast and blastbeat-laden. Now for the downside. His solo to "Papyrus" sounds frantic, as though he is escaping the crocodiles that his lyrical creation is escaping, whereas, in stark contrast, the bend-obsessed, Gilmour-esque wlbum solo to epic album closer "Even the Gods Must Ithgphallic reflects the melancholy nature of that song.

Throw in some bass work that not only matches the intensity of the guitars but surpasses them at moments. It is then, at the conclusion of the album, that the unexpected happens: He still uses the same snare-tom-snare-tom fill to death. Billboard Top Heatseekers Chart.

Nile ithyphallic album

Still, its no "Sarcophagus", is it? For Nile fans, you don't need to think twice. In fact, this is in some ways NIle's most obtuse and ighyphallic album to get into yet. Nile are one of those bands that you can never just get enough of. Connect with NILE http: The combination of these two new angles to Ithyphallic make it a much more listenable experience, particularly for someone like myself who has a primarily thrash background.

Everything is triggered halfway into next year, as you might expect, but there's not much else you can do when you want music of this nature to be clear and discernible production wise.

He takes the album to a whole other level. I enjoyed it highly for a solid year or so. Best viewed without Internet Explorer, in x resolution or higher.

Nile - Ithyphallic - Reviews - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives

Nile again impresses me with their speed and precision. In fact it is possibly the only excerpt on the album that has a true feel of ancient Egypt. The whole thing is very well structured and like I said, one of the most precious moments on the album.

nile ithyphallic album

The music is also at a noticeably slower clip than normal as more fifth notes are used on the guitars and bass though Kollias still sets the pace for how each song would normally go with his very prominent drumming that pummels through every whine of the guitars. I do hear some elements of that creeping in and I hope they can sense it and bat it back before it's too late. Overall, it really is a great album. Vocally they've become a lot more coherent and on occasion I could actually understand, even appreciate whatever fantastical wank story about ancient Egypt they were on about.

The highlight of the vocals though, and what let's them really stand out is certain parts where the vocals keep a harsh edge on them but are far closer to clean melodic singing and give the album an unusually high degree of catchiness, with areas that a listener could sing along to should they so choose.

Throughout June and July, Nuclear Blast Records held a special contest to allow several fans to be able to listen to Ithyphallic. Don't get me wrong, this is far, far from sucking. It's what they should have been doing all along.

The music doesn't seem very relaxed in places, relaxed in that they seem to be agonizing over every little detail instead of letting some things just happen. Okay, so, suffice to say, I've always thought they've been pretty damn overrated. So as not to startle the fans of brutal death metal bands and Nile in particular, the vocals are still very much in itthyphallic death metal vein but are somehow more intelligible.

nile ithyphallic album

The impressive thing about this song in particular is how well the riffs just seem to flow into each other. But ithyphalic, this time it seems better than before, at least for somebody who doesn't listen to NILE regularly.

Retrospective Review 5 - NILE: 'Ithyphallic'

This much has changed with most riffs being repeated for at least the standard ithyphalllc bars. Karl] The god aker hath condemned thee to the flames Fire be upon thee Apep Thou enemy of Ra Let flames gnaw into thee And sear thy flesh Fall down Apep I hath set torch upon thee Taste thou death Apep The burning is upon you Thou art consumed I hath lain fire upon thee I hath nie thy remains with excrement I hath spat on thin ashes Taste thou death 7. When Aalbum first heard Nile about half a decade ago, I thought it was absurd that they got the praise they did.

There isn't really a "Sebek" or "Black Seeds" on this album, and there isn't really an "Unas" or a "Dream of Ur" either, but the first song is suitably "epic" read:


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